Thursday, November 25, 2010

Ease Swing GUI Creation with HTML Templating

Creating GUI in Java is rather difficult. Ordinary code looks like:

JPanel south = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());  
south.add(new JLabel(«login»), BorderLayout.WEST); 
south.add(new JTextField(),BorderLayout.CENTER);
rootPanel.add(south, BorderLayout.SOUTH);

Imagine that you have 15 fields... TableLayout and MigLayout ease layout for many fields, but anyway you have to write Java code.


I'm developing new library which helps making markup of swing forms using html code.
The library is called swinghtmltamplate, you can find it here.
Documentation is also available in english and in russian.

The small introduction can be found at

Я разрабатываю библиотеку для описания swing форм с помощью html.
Библиотека называется swinghtmltemplate, код доступен здесь.
Также есть документация на английском и на русском.

Небольшая статья о библиотеке есть на